RELEASED 1992 (1 WEEK) |
DETAILS Shapes falling from the top of the screen must be formed into rows of three in order to clear them. Sound Familiar?, well this game was intended as a take off TETRIS. What made it special was that a set number of shapes would roll when they landed. This really added to the mayhem. Add to this that 3 Gremlins in a row would divide your score by two but could be eradicated with a Crystal, 3 Thunderbolts in a row would clear the whole line (Depending on angle) and one could hold the shape aloft by not letting it hit the sides but still swaying made it become a game to remember. |
RETROSPECT The graphics are single frame and flicker like mad as they float down the abyss. The Sound Effects are Basic and their was never a title tune but this did not hinder the addiction to the game. Instead, I know that if I loaded it up at 9 at night, I'd still be playing it at 9 the following morning (Given half a chance). There were plans for DPANIC2 but because of other projects, it never appeared (Not yet anyway). |
FEATURES Totally consuming Game-play Blocks with an attitude problem 100% Basic 0% Machine code |
CONTROLS Shift keys to Nudge shapes (SWISH), CTRL key to pause (PAWS) and FUNCT key to drop shape. |
HINTS Do Not Panic! |