DOWNLOAD AREA 2BIT Players 8 Bit to 2 bit Player 4BIT Players 4 Bit Low nibble Player 8BIT Players 8 Bit to 4 bit Player Encoders 8>4L Encoder Sample Editors SED (Sound Tracker) |
Over a period of many years, i have accumulated (Written) many different sample players. Some of which have been shown here and will soon be available for download... 4 BIT The PSG can handle 4 bit Samples for each channel (Although driven via software and not originally intended for samples). Since the ORIC is an 8 bit computer, each byte can hold 2 sample entries (low nibble and high nibble). All these type of players are shown on the right, under 4BIT PLAYERS. 8 BIT Most samples stored on the larger machines start at 8 bit resolution. Therefore, when transferred across to the ORIC, need to be converted to 4 bit in order for them to play. Alternatively, a crude 8 bit simulation can be achieved on the ORIC using all three channels combined. 2 BIT Going back quite a few years, there appeared a few demos using 2 BIT samples. Although decreasing the sound clarity, 4 sample entries could be inserted into one byte, therefore quartering the amount of memory used. For example; A 128K sample could fit into 32K. ENCODERS These are designed to convert from one format of sample to another. Say from 8 bit to 4 bit low nibble or from 4 Bit low nibble (4L) to 4 bit encoded (4E(Both nibbles used therefore halving the amount of memory)). ALL PLAYERS ALLOW FOR UP TO A 40k SAMPLE (Starting at #1000) AND VARIOUS FREQUENCIES ARE SUPPORTED FROM 1Khtz to 40Khtz. |